sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Pros and contras

This world is being become less sensible from the networks. Internet has not end and people use it only in one language (typing). Where are faces and expressions? I cannot stand people who talk a lot by WhatsApp and after we cannot say anything face to face. In addition, human sensibility decreases whereas you are using a machine.

On the other hand, having a mobile is necessary because if you have an emergency, you will phone an ambulance. The best thing in the world is the human beings and everything that help us to communicate each other it could be right. Anyway, internet is part of this world and the most of people enjoy it. Why we should restrict the connection?  
Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage for living in a village is that the environment is completely clean, because there is not any kind of pollution. Besides, you do not need people who are around you although you are feeling alone. I mean, silly people with silly comments and this fact is very usual in the society. Only you just need to have a pet and to have fun with him; go away through the forest always as being possible.

Nevertheless, the disadvantages are a lot then you must have a car and very often you will drive to go to the city. The ‘culture’ is more limited in a village, in cities there are a lot of museums and cinemas. For this reason, I would prefer to live in a city since the knowledge is more important than the feelings. You will be happy if you study all your life and make your goals. 
Problem and solution

How many people are watching you in this moment? That is tremendously hard for me because I feel without privacy. Cameras and mobiles… I am afraid of those things. If I have a relationship, I will not stay in a determined place since there is not enough privacy. Otherwise, people could see what you do daily when you are walking in the street and I hate that.

The first thing I would do to resolve this problem is to delete the machines and to create only one world for human beings. Technology invades us when for instance you are watching tv. It seems relaxed, as you are watching programmes which they want to had been seen by us.

In conclusion, we will not let that machines disturb us eliminating privacy. From my point of view, it is better less security and more liberty, thus we will tend on fighting for empathy in a civilization with humans, not robots.  
Fact or opinion

The bisexuality increases enormously in teenagers. I like this fact because I am interested in people, not in sex. Actually, we are humans and we love other humans. Why are there so taboos?! People don’t have to tell us who we must be. The power is in ourselves; experiences give us happiness, neither parents nor friends.

However, it is not easy changing mentality of fewer centuries. The church had the power and nowadays the corruption is in everywhere. I mean, having liberty is too complicated when society is not prepared. I can see the point of people because their minds are not evolved, but I will approach bisexuality until the end.
The best place in the world

The best place it is supposed that it will be into another country, since we usually ignore things that are close to us. I would prefer to go far far away and to visit other cultures with different people. For example, I have chosen India as my favourite place in the world. There, the society is very complex and I'm feeling brave to help them. Also, the food in India is so special that I really like it. I will go as soon as possible!

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Loneliness is the best option since you can speak with yourself and have fun without silly people. Furthermore, "love is not always a happy experience" because people could not understand your feelings many times. For a moment imagine a life where there are not lies and only is your truth important... Fantastic! However, I know it is impossible due to we live in society. We, as human beings, have to fall in love with someone because it is supposed that this is the correct way. Actually, love does not exist for me; it is an invention not to be alone (maybe shared friendship). Probably, in my own world I would not have any relationship since I am happier when I am lonely. Just try it!
Watching tv is wonderful, especially if you like flims. There are many programmes about films, but few of them discuss festivals. For example, last week I saw San Sebastian's Festival in a programme called "Días de Cine". It was great! There are interviews and debates, too. Then on tv you can learn many things about a topic.

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014

My best friend is a nice person. I met him in a strange situation: swimming in the river, and immediately he said me hello! He loves sports and we go running together. Last week, he brought me a present, a really special present. He knows I like animals, then he brought me a dog. Actually, he is the nicest person in the world.